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Data safety

Goencar Taxi: Data Collection & Security

At Goencar Taxi, we take your privacy seriously. We collect the information necessary to provide a safe, convenient, and reliable ride-hailing experience for both users and drivers. Here’s what you need to know:

Data We Collect:

User App:

  • Personal Information: Name, phone number, email address (optional), profile picture (optional).
  • Location Information: GPS coordinates, device location settings, IP address (used for connecting you with drivers and tracking rides).
  • Payment Information: Payment method details (if using cashless payment methods).
  • Usage Information: Ride history, booking details, app usage data (helps improve the app).

Driver App:

  • Personal Information: Name, phone number, contact information (for verification purposes).
  • Identification Documents: Photo ID (Government Issued), Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration Certificate, Aadhaar Card (India only) (used for background checks and regulatory compliance).
  • Location Information: GPS coordinates (used to match drivers with ride requests).
  • App Usage Information: Driver activity within the app (helps ensure efficient service).

Data Security:

We implement robust security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. This includes:

  • Secure data storage practices.
  • Encryption of sensitive information.
  • Regular security audits and updates.

Data Control & Deletion:

We empower you to control your data:

  • In-App Deletion: You can directly delete your account and associated data within the User app.
  • Website Deletion: Alternatively, visit our website to submit a data deletion request. You can also email us directly at to request account deletion

Transparency & Compliance:

We are committed to transparency and comply with all applicable data privacy regulations. You can find our detailed Privacy Policy within the app or on our website.

Remember: We only collect the data essential for a smooth ride-hailing experience. Your privacy is a priority at Goencar Taxi. For any further questions, feel free to reach out to our customer support.