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Booking Process & Driver Arrival Time Policy

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Goencar Taxi: Booking Process & Driver Arrival Time Policy

Booking a Ride with Goencar Taxi:

1. Open the Goencar Taxi App: Download and launch the Goencar Taxi app on your smartphone.

2. Set Your Pick-up & Drop-off Locations:

  • Enter your current location or search for your desired pick-up point.
  • Specify your destination by entering the address or dropping a pin on the map.

3. Choose Your Ride Option:

Depending on your location and availability, the app may display various ride options (e.g., Rickshaw, Car, Pilot (Bike)). Select the option that best suits your needs and number of passengers.

4. Review Fare Estimate:

For City Rides (predefined routes within the city limits), the app will display an upfront fare estimate based on distance and ride type. For Outstation Rides (beyond city limits), fares may be negotiated directly with the driver or determined based on pre-defined packages.

5. Confirm Booking:

Review all the details (pick-up, drop-off, ride option, fare estimate) and confirm your booking.

5. Apply Promo Code (Optional):

If you have a Goencar Taxi promo code, enter it during this step to enjoy discounts on your ride.

8. Find Your Driver Bids List:

The app will display your driver’s information (name, photo, vehicle type) with their bid price. Select your driver as per your convenient price and track their location in real-time as they approach your pick-up point.

Driver Arrival Time Policy:

  • Goencar Taxi strives to connect you with a driver as quickly as possible. Typical driver arrival times can vary depending on several factors:
    • Your Location: Drivers might be closer or further depending on your current location and demand in your area.
    • Traffic Conditions: Traffic congestion can significantly impact arrival times.
    • Ride Type: Certain ride options, like Pilot (Bike), may arrive quicker due to their maneuverability in traffic.
  • The app will provide an estimated arrival time for your driver. Please note that this is an estimate and may vary slightly due to the factors mentioned above.
  • We recommend being ready at your pick-up location a few minutes before the estimated arrival time. This ensures a smooth pick-up experience and avoids any delays.
  • In case of unexpected delays, your driver will notify you through the app. You can also contact your driver directly through the app’s messaging feature if needed.

Goencar Taxi is committed to providing efficient and reliable ride-hailing services in Goa. If you have any questions about the booking process or driver arrival times, feel free to contact our customer support.